๐Ÿ’Œ Tiny Improvements

The Enthusiast's Hidden Superpower

Optimism and the new year, why being an enthusiast can help you build a better product, espresso drinking and daily writing.

Hey there,

I hope you're well.

I love the turnover of the year: a time where people tend to become the most hopeful and optimistic. January can feel both cleansing and refreshing, like we've all just stepped over an invisible barrier that was holding something back. I love the way people share their goals openly and reflect on their past year's progress. Even if you're the type to turn your nose up at New Year's Resolutionsโ„ข๏ธ, by doing so you've acknowledged that some people find them motivating. That right there is what has me transfixed right now.

From motivation grows enthusiasm. In enthusiasm, there is value.

On Working in Public

In a recent newsletter, I mentioned that I had just finished reading a great book on building Open Source Software, called Working in Public. I had a few hiccups get in the way of getting my notes out into the world, but by now they're public! Feel free to give them a read. I'd love to know what you think.

On Enthusiasm

Lately, I've been describing myself as an Enthusiast's Enthusiast - I truly love the feeling of developing and growing a new passion. I find that I go through regular cycles of passion for this-and-that, growing my expertise quickly and listening to others to glean as much as I can from them. I could make a list a mile long of the things I've done this for, but I thought I'd share a few recent passions that might interest you:

  • ๐Ÿงง I've been reading about Bitcoin lately, as I'm sure you may have been as well. A friend pointed me to a few great primers on the subject, which I tore through as my on-ramp to learning more. I'd recommend getting started with an article called The Bullish Case for Bitcoin, by Vijay Boyapti.
  • โ˜• I really, truly love great Espresso. To me, there's nothing better than taking in a cup of perfectly brewed beans. Learning about how and why coffee can taste so wildly different has opened my appreciate for the experience that much more. I'd recommend checking out James Hoffman on Youtube - he's a former World Barista Champion, and a genuinely wonderful human being. His videos are world-class, relaxing, and supremely informative.
  • ๐Ÿ“ I've never really had a habit for writing -- but I'm trying to build one. I'd love it to be easier for me to knock out a few paragraphs. I've been told it's simple: just write more, and it gets easier. In an attempt to do so, I've started a small daily writing habit based on Morning Pages -- every day I write stream-of-consciousness thoughts in my notes, to help me to clear my mind, organize my day, and express myself more clearly. I was on the fence at first, but after a couple weeks, I think I'll stick with it for a bit!

What are you working on?

I'd love to hear about your passions, or what you're looking to learn about in the new year. I'm here to learn and to listen just as much as I am to share. What's your latest muse? Let's talk about it! hello@mikebifulco.com. If you found this interesting or useful, I'd love it if you shared it with a friend.

In the meanwhile, be excellent to each other. Thanks for reading Tiny Improvements - talk soon!


The Enthusiast's Hidden Superpower

Optimism and the new year, why being an enthusiast can help you build a better product, espresso drinking and daily writing.

Mike Bifulco headshot

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