Book notes: Working In Public
My review of Working in Public: The Making and Maintenance of Open Source Software by Nadia Eghbal
Learn how to steer AI tools like Copilot and Cursor, avoid mistakes, and write better tests to ship reliable code.
How to talk to AI (the right way). Learn how to give better prompts, refine outputs, and use LLMs effectively—without losing your own voice.
A list of the tools and tech I use as a professional product engineer in 2025.
How free will fuels creativity, and how to stay on task with purpose.
A guide to help you send introductions to your network.
A guide to help you reset your inbox, get a free productivity boost, and do better work.
I spent the last week spinning up a new company for the first time since 2017. Here are the tools I used.
My review of Working in Public: The Making and Maintenance of Open Source Software by Nadia Eghbal
If you're dealing with Open Graph metadata for your site, and you can't figure out how to get your OG content to update after you make changes, this is your guide.
Put simply, is a tool that is so profoundly helpful that I've forgotten what life was like without it.
So, like all good things, the idea for this post comes from a tweet...
Dependabot is an automation service that will automatically create PRs to keep your projects' dependencies up to date, and it is really powerful.
If you're not careful, your node projects can start to fill all the spare disk space on your computer. This one weird trick (lol) can help avoid that.