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Fixing the sign-up problem on my site using PostHog Product analytics

Watch Product Analytics for engineers: Debugging a conversion problem on my next.js site using @PostHog on YouTube

Thanks so much to PostHog for sponsoring this video and supporting my work! Give it a whirl over at and tell 'em I sent you!


In part two of my adventure with product analytics, I tackle a significant drop in my newsletter subscribers. Join me as I dive into the data using PostHog, identify and fix critical errors, and ultimately switch from ConvertKit to Resend – a more developer-friendly email platform.

Along the way, I'll show you how I integrated tRPC into my Next.js site for a type-safe API, created hooks for better data management, and set use posthog to chase down the root of the bug.

Whether you're a startup founder or an indie hacker, you'll find valuable insights to improve your product. Plus, transparency is key – this video is sponsored by PostHog, but all opinions are genuinely mine. Let's build something great together!

Video Timestamps

00:42 ConvertKit Stats

01:06 Subscription Form

02:45 Sponsored by Posthog

03:16 Resend broadcasts

03:36 tRPC

03:54 tRPC Demo

04:43 Subscription form code walkthrough

06:27 useNewsletterStats

07:33 What I'm seeing in posthog

08:37 What's next

09:45 Next PostHog tests

10:11 What do you think I should do next?

10:31 Wrap up

Fixing the sign-up problem on my site using PostHog Product analytics

This video dives into the process I used to diagnose and debug a conversion problem on my personal website using Posthog, a powerful product analytics tool.
