Twitter and the Perils of Obedience
Reflections on the current state of Twitter, and its similarity to the shocking results of a 1961 experiment by Yale Researcher Stanley Milgram.
The best UX design goes unnoticed. Learn how invisible design shapes digital experiences, and why great designers embrace the paradox of their work going unseen.
Smart engineers always seem to know what's coming next. They do this by staying attuned to various signals from diverse sources.
How free will fuels creativity, and how to stay on task with purpose.
Reflection fuels growth. The coming year is your chance to make meaningful changes to your work, life, and relationships.
How the most productive people use fundamental truths to navigate complexity and stay focused
Sometimes, being mad is the best way to start something new.
Using first principles in UX will make your product more intuitive and more enjoyable for your customers, while making your job easier.
Burnout is your team's worst enemy. Here's how to prevent it.
One of the most effective ways to grow as a developer is by tapping into the vast pool of knowledge available in the developer community.
Small changes and management techniques can transform your team's dynamics and boost morale. Explore practices like expressing gratitude, weekly reflections, and eliminating negative behaviors to foster a positive, growing team.
Reflecting on my morning ritual, journaling for clarity, and podcasts for your morning walk
How to use being wrong to improve UX and product design. Learn how to embrace mistakes and create better products for your users.
You're already marketing yourself every moment. You just need to be aware of it and do it intentionally.
The products we build are naturally imperfect. We can learn from the flaws and imperfections in our code to create better, more resilient products while nurturing team and personal growth.
Drawing on the Dunning-Kruger Effect to propel tech progress is like using a slingshot to travel into space: Leaving our comfort zone to learn from experts gives us the momentum to break through boundaries and break records.
Learn how to build a personal brand as a developer or product builder to differentiate yourself in the tech industry and gain recognition for your work. Authenticity and consistency are key to attracting the right people and opportunities. Follow these steps to get started.
Reflections on the current state of Twitter, and its similarity to the shocking results of a 1961 experiment by Yale Researcher Stanley Milgram.
Deciding when your work is "done" can be a crippling decision for creators. Let's talk about that.
The biggest benefit about telling people online about what you're learning is the network effect.
Last week may have been the most complicated week of my life. I got laid off from Stripe, and went viral on Twitter. Here's what happened.
We all experience stress and burnout at some point in our lives. Here are the tools I've found to stay ahead of burnout in my job and my relationships.
The Third Place is thought of as a space different from home (the first place) and work (the second place), where people can socialize and find community.
These are slides from a lightning talk I gave at a local conference in 2018.
I explain the Milgram Experiment, how absolutely terrifying it is, and how understanding Cognitive Psychology and Social Sciences can help us make the world a better place.
I also implore the audience to go register to vote. Go do it!
Slides available on Slideshare if you're interested in perusing.